Lessons Beyond the Salon - Sally Lemmo

Thanks for listening
to touch salon podcast.

Today is a special one because I sit
down with my good friend, Sally limo.

And let me tell you, she's
got an amazing story.

We talk about her as an educator,
her past couple of years and

what a great, great conversation.

So here is my conversation with Sally.

You guys enjoy

Sally, Sally Lamo.


Is that how you pronounce it?

Didn't you tell me?

Like, yes, I remember you telling me that
Sally limo, AKA the Cleveland hair boss.

When'd you come up with that name?

You know what?

It's, it's been a while, uh, and it
was, it was just on a whim and for fun.

I had taken a social media
class well over a decade ago.

And, um, they said you're, this was when
you're, they said your handle should.

And, and I was at the time looking to
still grow clientele behind my chair.

I owned salon, commissioned
salons and things like that.

And so they said, you should have
the city you're in and it should

have, um, what you do in it.

And I came up with Cleveland Hair Boss
and it kind of just stuck after that,

you know, it rolls off the tongue.

So I like it.

So, Hey, thanks for being
on touch the lawn podcast.

I know we've been talking about
this for how long we've been

talking about doing the podcast,
like long over a year for sure.

Maybe two, I don't know.

It's been a while.

It's been a while.

So I, when I first met you,
before I met you, everybody.

I'm going to be your new best friend.

You're going to love her.

And the first time we met you, yeah,
you came here and I was like, Hey,

we're supposed to be new best friends.

So I love it.

When did you start like going in, being
serious about growing your followers?

So here's what's funny is I, I
did not go into Instagram with the

intention of growing the following.

I, when the world shut down.

In 2020, um, I was so
worried about our industry.

I'm older.

I'm more of one of the
dinosaurs of our industry.

I've been doing this a long time and
I've been educating for over 20 years.

And so I, I'm, I'm more of like
that accidental influencer.

I didn't set out to be an influencer.

I just was so worried about our industry
when the world shut down that I was like,

I need to do something and, and I don't
know what to do, but I know how to teach

and I know how to bring people together.

And, um, so I had set out and I
created a private Facebook group

where I showed up for an hour every
day for 14 days, because that was,

it was only supposed to be 14 days.

And we all showed up there and
there was a couple hundred people

in there and, and I taught.

And then that ended and the world
still was shut down and our industry

is so we're so communal And i'm a firm
believer that our industry like we

utilize all five love languages, right?

And not only do we give them to our
clients But that's really how a lot of

us receive love is through our clients.

And so now we were we lost all of that
and so I my whole outlook Changed and it

became less of Less about me and it was
all about you and it was no longer, I

was on like this mission of like, and not
to say there's anything wrong with this

because it's all about like, so what is
it you want to do with your social media?

And up until that point, I was posting
pretty pictures that made me feel good

and made me feel good about my work
that, um, you know, made my ego stroke

my ego a little bit at, you know, I
would get comments, it made me feel good.

But that turned into me serving my
audience and doing whatever I could

do just to keep connected because
I was worried, like genuinely

worried, and like losing sleep.

And so it became more of a mission
for me, and I'm telling you within

a couple months, I went from 2,
000 to 20, 000, and then 30, 000

very quickly, and then 50, 000.

And then, and then I did start working
to grow it because I was like, okay.

I want to be a full time educator.

I can transition now.

I'm seeing that there's opportunity here.

And so I did move into growth
mode for a little while.

And I'll be honest with you.

I I've backed out of growth mode since
I hit 70, 000 and I now got another

25, 000 in the last couple of months.

And I think it's because I went
back to serving my audience and

I really just want to serve.

Whoever wants to listen and so
when you say when you say growth

mode, what do you mean by that?

Growing followers, you know, like
growing my my followers It was

like, you know, I think I I got
uh, my mission shifted not not.

Um, it moved more into Maybe business and
not that it was a bad thing by any means

there is growth You know, we all want
to grow you want the followers because

it feels like the followers equate to
success and I felt Like I needed to grow

my instagram more right and um, i'll be
honest with you I I got stuck there for a

little while at like that 50 000 mark for
for quite some time and I started to lose

the love for it because I was moving into
growing followers Instead of growing the

people and when I moved back into where my
heart was and I allowed myself to really

get back into my priorities, which was My
industry and my babies in my industry and

serving them and growing them I'm at like
95 000 and honestly not trying very hard

And so it's I think it's all about what
do you want to do with your instagram?

What do you want to do
with your social media?

What's your intention behind it?

And once you have those clear and it
doesn't matter what they are because

none of them are right or wrong
It's what's your instagram, right?

And um, that's when it really took off
for me was like when I got a very clear

Idea of what, how I wanted to use it.

You're at 95,900, so, oh, I
mean, if you're not, if you're

not following her, go follow her
and let's get her up to 96,000.

That's crazy.

Like you, 96,000 people follow you.

That's crazy, Evan.

I, it's wild to me.

I it really is.

It's, it's unreal and I
love that you kind of just.

I mean, kind of stumbled into it and
you're like, Oh, it kind of works.

And then you just started
putting intentionality.

Yeah, it wasn't on purpose,
but I'm very thankful for it.

And I understand the
responsibility behind it.

Um, and I think that also has helped me
grow it because I take it very seriously.

I'm so humbled and honored.

Anytime anyone will follow my
page, it's, it's wild to me.

Well, that's one thing that I love about
yours, your humility right now, it seems

like you are just taking over 2024.

2023, you are going strong.

A couple of years ago, you got
diagnosed with something that

really knocked you on your back.

I would love to get inside your head,
your mindset of when all that happened.

Tell our listeners what happened.

And it seems like you just got back up.

Now, I'm sure you had moments
where you were in the fetal

position, crying in the corner.

Um, but it seemed like you got
wrapped back up and you're like, well,

this isn't going to keep me down.

Walk us through that.

Um, well, and there's still moments that
I want to curl up in the fetal position.

Don't get me wrong, right?

But, um, they're less and
less, which is amazing.

So in, um, what year are we in?

We're in 2024 this past year
was my one year anniversary.

That was 23.

So 2022 in February of 2022, I
found a lump in my right breast.

And I was walking up the stairs, I
had my coffee and all of a sudden

I heard this like audible voice.

It was truly felt like it was on a
voice and it said, you know what,

you're going to be almost 50 years old.

You need to be an adult.

It's time to check your boobs.

You need to start taking
better care of your health.

And I was like, huh, I hadn't had
a mammogram in like seven years.

I like was the last person
I took care of all the time.

And I went upstairs, I put down
my coffee and I took my left hand

and I went right to the lump.

found it immediately.

And I was like, wait,
what the hell is that?

What is that?

And it didn't move.

And it was really hard.

And I, I was a little
nervous for a minute.

And so I had my husband check.

And he's like, you know what?

I think you need to get that checked.

And so that's when the
whirlwind happened for me.

And I went from living my
normal life crazily, um, like a

chicken with my head cut off to.

July having a double mastectomy.

And so it went very quickly from
finding a lump, which it was

stage one, a, I was very lucky.

So I'm a very firm believer in please
check your breasts at male or female.

I found it so early that a
mammogram would not have found it.

And so by the time a mammogram would
have seen it, it probably would have

been closer to stage two because it
was so deep and had so much tissue

around it that my prognosis could
have been very, very different.

I'll be honest with you.

When I found out that I had cancer,
my, and forgive me, I get a little

choked up when I think about it because
my very first feeling wasn't fear.

I was actually honored that God would
trust me with this and that That God

would trust me to go through it and
praise him through it and whoever it was

that needed that message that he knew
I was strong enough to go through it.

He knew I was going to
be able to handle it.

He knew I was going to come out
on the other side, whether it

was here or whether it was there.

I just had such strong into
my core, like believe in that.

And I know that's a lot
of what got me through.

And after my double mastectomy, It
was the first time that I had stopped,

like really stopped, uh, in decades.

I didn't know how to stop.

My mother was a runner, always
running, running, running.

So it's like you, you, you
learn what you live, right?

And, um, I was forced to stop.

And I read three books in four days.

I don't know the last
time I read a book, right?

I rest, I kind of rested,
kind of, the word is kind of,

and it did take me a while.

It was a tough year.

I will be honest, it was a tough
year because I missed my girls.

I, you know, I mean, I missed my girls.

And, um, a lot of people, when they
have breast cancer, they say, you

know, my boobs tried to kill me.

And I, I don't feel that way.

I, I never felt that way.

I feel like they really worked
hard to protect me because it was

contained and it hadn't spread.

And I, I was, and I don't like to say
I was very lucky because if someone

else doesn't experience the same thing
as me, it doesn't mean they're not,

it doesn't mean they're not loved.

It doesn't mean God doesn't love them.

It's just, that is the, the road
I was called to because I feel

like I was trusted with maybe
the check your boobs part of it.

I was trusted with.

Maybe what it feels like to feel like
you've lost some of your femininity and

to rediscover love with your husband
in a completely different way where

the physical is different from that.

And also I felt like I lost a part of
myself when I had my double mastectomy

and I had to work to gain that back.

And I'll be honest with you.

I love my body more now
than I did then before.

And I love my industry
more now than I did before.

And I think it's because I I have
so much gratitude for every moment

and every single minute of my life
is, is for quality, not quantity.

Whereas so much of life, my life was
spent on quantity of how many things can

I get done in the least amount of time?

And now it's like, how many minutes can
I cherish and, and make memories with?

Uh, you know, at work and at play, you
know, so I don't know if that answers

your question, but yeah, I mean, I'm just
sitting here like I got goosebumps hearing

like your mindset and how you, you know,
I'm sure your mind went to a dark place,

but, you know, I think there's a silver.

Yeah, I mean, there's a silver lining.

I mean, you went through something so
traumatic that you were like, you know

what, I'm going to see the good in this.

Let's just take that and just
shoot it out into the world because

right now it's, everything is
going bad and neg negativity.

And you're just like, look, you know, I'm
going to see the silver lining in this.

You talked about quality and quantity.

Let's talk about that for a little
bit with boundaries, because you

wear a lot of different hats.

You wear a hat as, as a mom, you wear
a hat as a wife, you wear a hat as

a stylist and educator, you travel.

Talk about boundaries, like with work
and life and how you manage that.

This is just such a hot topic
in our world, especially in our

industry is boundaries and where
do you draw the line on all that?

So, I mean, I'll be honest with you.

I feel like I'm still learning boundaries.

Every year I get older, every experience
I have that kind of shakes me and

rattles me a little bit, um, gives
me a little bit more, uh, grace for

myself, which I think is important.

And I think it's hard to set
up boundaries for ourselves

when we don't have boundaries.

Uh when we don't maybe love ourselves to
see Um what we need right and it's when

we're continually in that outward pouring
place of serving serving serving serving

Um, I think boundaries are really tough
to even consider let alone maintain You

know, and I went through many years as a
salon owner with absolutely no boundaries.

I worked 24 7 I didn't know how I lost
a lot of time, you know with my family.

I uh Wasn't able to really even be
present in my business because I

was really all over the place now I
i've learned it's it's okay It's it

really is okay To say no it really is
okay To sit and and read something.

I don't have to be doing 27 things at
one time It really is okay to to dial

back And I think also when we realize
and and you know what my friend christina

carter said to me one time She asked me
she said because I was so stressed out.

She's like, what are your priorities?

And I was like, well, they're
god My family and then work

and she said, Okay, she goes.

So how are you living those priorities?

And I was like, well, I don't
know what that means, right?

What do you mean by that?

And the reality is, is I wasn't
living for my priorities at all.

And guess what?

I wasn't even on that list.

Which is a big problem and which is why
I got cancer and so realizing and really

really discovering What are my actual?

priorities, what are the priorities
of my Life and am I living for those

priorities and is everything that
I'm executing on a daily basis Does

it line up with how I want to serve.


Does it line up with
how I want to be a wife?

Does it line up with how I
want to mother my children?

Does it line up with how
I want to be healthy?

Does it line up with how I
want to grow my business?

When I really looked and saw, like,
how many things didn't line up with

any of that, um, it made it easier
for me to kind of let some things go.

Because then you're at a place where it's
like you gotta draw a line in the sand.

It's like you're either gonna live your
priorities for you, or you're gonna

live someone else's priorities for them.

And that's a choice.



Having Christina ask you that
a lot of people don't have that

person that just kind of punches
like punches you in the throat.

If you're listening, you're
like, I need a friend like that.

They're out there.

Um, you just need to, we need to be open
to what is honestly, I didn't get the gift

of her in my life until I was like 30.

I didn't, I didn't have that
for, I didn't get that friend in

my life until I was in my 30s.

And so sometimes, you know, it's,
it might be timing, you know,

when we're a lot younger, we might
not be open to like, like that

type of communication yet either.


And so she and I have gone through a lot
of like our own different growing pains.

And it's been, um, it really has been
a true gift to be able to have that in

each other, just to, to be able to bounce
those things, you know, off of each other.

I say that you're always
sacrificing something.

We're sacrificing time right
now to not be with our family or

be behind the chair or whatnot.

And so you're always
sacrificing something.

You just got to make sure that
you're sacrificing it well, like

you're doing a well sacrifice.

Well, and for something,
it's something to you, right?

And so that's where this sacrifice to
me is valuable because my hope is that.

It's going to reach people and share a
message that hopefully can, can somehow

affect someone in a positive way.

And so that to me is definitely, and
I, and I know that's where you were

going with this and I'm sorry, I
didn't mean to interrupt you, but you

know, I don't know how to shut up.

No, this is your show, you know, but
I think it's, um, I agree with you.

It, it, every single minute
we spend is a sacrifice.

And so what are we sacrificing it for?

And, and that's where you, I think,
hit the nail on the head is, is how I

was able to really set my boundaries
because, and to be honest with you, once

I started to set my boundaries and was
very clear on what my priorities were,

my business started to grow even more.

And in a more profitable way,
in a more positive way, because

I was more intentional with
the time I invested in it.

I wanted to be able to
be present for my family.

I wanted to be able to
be present with God.

I wanted to be able to be present
with my friends and for myself.

And I also wanted to be present
in my business desperately, and

I wasn't present in anything.

And so that's when, that's when
we, you know, you really got to

finally say like, okay, what.

Do I really want, and, and it's okay,
whatever it is, just be honest about it.

And then live that, you know?


Be, be, be where your feet are.

That's right.

Like we're here right now.

We're going to give you the best
episode when I go out there.

And, uh, if I'm with front desk or with
our staff, like I'm going to be present.

And so I think that's hard for a lot
of people is to, to be present because

we're, we live in a world where we.

I heard this the other day, I'm going
to mess this up, but I'll generalize.

We take on more information in a
day than someone in the 19th century

took in, in like their whole life.

It's something, it was
something along those lines.

And I'm like, I don't think we're
meant to take on this much information.

It's too much.


And I think people, people, I'm
sure people have told you before,

like, God, you travel so much.

How do you do it?

And it's like, well, you're a different
person than we are or, you know, than

I am and like 2024 I'm, I'm making 2024
the best year I'm in December 31st.

I'm going to look back and be like, I
worked harder in 2024 than I ever have.

Worked harder in coaching, worked
harder in our business, work harder

with our kids, our family, and I'm
going to look back and, you know,

I might be exhausted, you know,
hopefully I am because being exhausted,

like, I think work is a good thing.

I think, I think a lot of
people see it as like a curse.

Like I got to work.

I'm like, no, this is a good thing.

Like, I feel good when I come into
work and productive and go home.

Sound like you were
going to say something.

No, like you saying, like,
like I agree with you.

One of the things I think also that.

Maybe has allowed me to move
through things in a positive,

more positive mindset.

Um, is that I actually love to work.

Like I love it.

I love growing things.

I love growing my business.

I love serving my, my people and
my, my clients and my followers.

And I love, I love it.

And I don't feel I, I don't, I
can't remember the last time I

felt like I had to go do something.

I just feel like, and I've heard you say
this and I feel this and a coach I work

with says this that, um, I get to do this.

I get to go to work.

I, you know, and I, I have a
brother that has special needs.

And he lives in a group home.

He actually, um, just rang the bell today.

He is cancer free.

He just finished.

He had gotten diagnosed with stage
four colon cancer and he just rang the

bell today and it was like, Oh my God.

And so, um, but he has special
needs and he's in a group home and.

A couple years ago, he said to
me, and let me tell you talk about

this is this was another moment.

You have those moments I think that truly
change us as people if we let them that's

the key word if we let them and He said to
me one time and now he has mental illness.

He um, he has was diagnosed with
paranoid schizophrenia now He's not like

dangerous or any of thing like that but
he is He needs to live in a group home.

And so he can't drive.

He can't work.

He can't do anything like that.

And so, and I'm his legal guardian.

And he goes to me one time, he
said, Sally goes, you know, he goes,

you're so lucky you get to drive.

And I was like, what?

He goes, you're so lucky
you get to have a job.

I was like, he's like, you're
so lucky you get to get married.

He's like, I don't think
I'll ever get to do that.

And I'm like, whoa, whoa.

And so these things that
I have honestly, never.

Thought of as a privilege.

I never thought of getting to drive as
a privilege I never really ever thought

of getting to work as a privilege or
getting married I mean, I just thought

everyone yeah, you had an opportunity
to get married, you know, cuz I've been

married three times So, you know, whatever
I practically I'm a professional at it

now, you know, and so I'm here to say that
twice I mean, please so, you know, I never

really looked at it As this privilege
and so those those kinds of experiences.

I I just I I feel privileged to have
them and like He's the strongest person.

I know he doesn't even Realize how
strong he is and um, and so that's

where I I really do feel like I get
to do these things I get to work.

I get to grow business god has
trusted me with a lot and I just um

You know, I want to make good on it.

Once you look at the perspective,
how your brother talked to you,

like perspective changes so much.

We went around the room
and our, uh, meeting.

And so two things, or one thing that we're
thankful for, and I actually heard this

on a YouTube video and I said, my thumbs.

Think about if you didn't have your
thumbs, that would radically change how

you do things and you can just, you can
be grateful for the smallest things.

Hey, you were talking and it reminded me.

I don't even know if you remember this.

You came to our staff retreat,
which I think everyone should do

have Sally come in and just speak.

We'll get to your teaching in a bit,
but your speaking is incredible.

And you told our staff, I don't
even know if you remember this, how

many of y'all have like mom guilt?

You're working and you've got kids and
then you have some people who are stay

at home moms and they look down on you
like you should be a stay at home and

Erin was so impacted by that because
she left that going, You know what?

I want my kids to see mom work hard.

I want them to see.

What a woman in business
can do, what, what there is.

And if you look, if you're a
stay at home, mom, God bless you.

God called you to that.

God didn't, God did not call me to that.

Oh, he sure didn't call me to it because
he wants my kids to have a nice life.

So he's like, you can't
be there the whole time.

I think when they're away and then I see
that, you know, Oh gosh, like I just need,

I just need to get away from these kids.

And then you go on a trip six hours
and you're like, God, I miss them.

But that impacted my wife so much that.

You know what?

She has a different mindset.

I want our kids to see mom work hard.

And so thank you for that.

I don't even know if that was just off
the cuff or that was in the, uh, Yeah.

So kudos to you.

So you've been in this industry
since you were 19 years old.

If you could go back and tell you,
talk to yourself at 19, 20 years

old, what would you tell yourself?

Which means that i've been doing this
for almost 32 years, which is absolutely

insane to me I'm sure you know, I know
and I know you thought I was like 30

So if I were to look back to to tell
myself like here first things first,

i'll be honest with you I didn't know
one thing About setting myself up for

the future financially like at all.

We're not taught that Right?

So we're not saying we're just
not and honestly, I just started

sewing into a retirement account
a few years ago and I'm now 51.

And so it's like if I knew then
what I know now, I would be, I

could retire right now, you know?

And so that's one thing for sure.

Our industry is not taught.

And so the suggestion in that to me
is surround yourself with people that

are growing a business That you look
up to and that you would want surround

yourself with the people that have
the habits that you know that you want

to, to be able to grow a business.

And, um, and, and honestly, I,
I did do a lot of that early off

in my career, not as dedicated as
I would have liked to have been.

Um, but also because there
wasn't quite as much available.

We didn't have social media.

Um, you know, we were pimping ourselves
out 12 hours a day in four inch heels

walking actually talking to people You
know, like we worked 12 hour shifts five

days a week Like that was what we had to
do then because we didn't have this like

beautiful free community of social media
and so like my my biggest thing would be

like Think about who you're surrounding
yourself with you are who you hang out

with and make sure that That who you're
hanging out with are people that are you

are the product of the five people you
hang out with the most Absolutely, right

and so and and and that's just proven and
so surrounding yourself with that I think

is the most important thing because it'll
all come together that way Absolutely.

I saw a thing on it's either youtube
podcast instagram They say if you

still have like the same friends from
high school That's not a good thing.

Like you shouldn't pride yourself.

You should be growing and
advancing in your friend Yeah.

And your, your friends, like, you
know, sometimes they go with you.

Sometimes they don't.

And I mean, I can look back, I'm 40 now.

I can look back and I'm like,
in my twenties, I don't even

know who my friends were.

Let's talk about your classes.

We have, we're doing two
classes here in the next.

I'm going to say, I'm going to say this.

This is going on the record.

You are one of the best
educators in our industry.

Like when you came to our salon, I was
like, Holy crap, your communication,

how you engage and connect with people.

You have a gift.

Thank you.

A gift of connecting with people
now you talk about color and cuts.

I don't know what you're talking about
because I don't do that I just know you

have a gift of connecting With people
when did you realize you had that gift

or did you just realize it right now?

So, you know, what's crazy is I I really
have had it as long as I can remember.

Um, even into my youth my um, my dad
When I was 10 years old, I was either

10 or 12 years old, somewhere around
that, um, put me in Toastmasters and

while all my friends were outside
playing, I was public speaking to 70

year old men and like for fun, right?

And, and I actually thought
it was fun and I enjoyed it.

And I, I, at 12 years old, I won the St.

John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival
out of the United States of Canada.

I placed third.

I didn't win it.

I placed third.

But I was 12 and I was so
little that I couldn't reach the

microphone and I actually had
to sit on my father was Greek.

And so I was raised Greek Orthodox and
the Archbishop Archbishop Iakovos at the

time I sat, he had me sit on his lap so
I could speak in the microphone and my

father could have died at that moment
and been the happiest man in the world.

Okay, that was like the equivalent
of Elvis when you're Greek.

And so, um, that was a huge moment for
me, but yeah, so I, I, I don't, um,

I have people ask me quite a bit, uh,
because I, I guess I must emulate like

a, a fearless type of communication
because I'm like, they're like, are

you afraid to talk in front of people?

And I'm.

I honestly am not like I don't have that
and I, whether it's 10 people or 2000

people, I feel like it's all the same.

And I, I think the thing for me and my
hope would be that even to be able to

share this with other people that, that
would have a message to share and, um,

that have been trusted with something
and they know they want to share it.

I just look at it like this.

We're exactly the same.

We are.

We're all.

The same.

The only difference is in that moment,
I happen to be standing about three feet

higher and sharing what I'm talking about.

And I just really don't
care what anybody thinks.

And if I messed up, I welcome
it because it's funny.

And, and I think that's
what makes you human.

Well, it really does.

And I think that's also part of
what makes, makes it relatable.

And it's, uh, I don't know.

It's just fun for me to be me and just
to, just to let it all, let it loose.

And I think that's why I don't care.

Like one of the, one of the, the greatest
compliments that I have gotten is that

I like my, when, when people come to
my classes of how authentic I am, and

I consider that the biggest compliment
ever and, and, and that I'm approachable

and that is so important to me because
at the end of the day, I also think

one of the reasons why I'm not afraid
is because I'll be honest with you.

It's just not about me.


It's just not and I just I just know
that all the way down into like my

core that um Every single class I teach
anytime I have the opportunity or the

gift or the privilege to speak in front
of people It's it's just not about me

and whatever is going to be shared that
day is is for you It's for them and if

I don't share it, what a disservice.

I mean, how dare I just
feel like how dare I?

Yeah, right, right.

I don't know and i'm not sure quite what
it is that has that ingrained that in

me so deep But it's it's it's a it's
a very powerful feeling and I and I

wish that it was that easy I guess for
other people to feel that too because

we all have such an important message
to share And some of us are just so

afraid of what other people are going
to think that we don't even talk about

it You're you're great at what you do.

Thank you Hey, we're gonna wrap up.

I'm gonna shoot you some
rapid fire questions.

Okay, let's go.

What's your favorite band?

Okay, so you do this to me.

Or favorite, or favorite artist.

So, my favorite band of
all time was Motley Crue.

It still is.

They will always have a
great place in my heart.

I was gonna marry Nikki Sixx and I
was gonna help him get off heroin.

So, that was my life's goal.

My father thought I
was a devil worshipper.

And so that was like way back when.

Motley Crue.



So I definitely, I'm like
an 80s, I definitely am like

80s rocker kind of girl.

I love that.

Um, I moved more into probably
the contemporary Christian kind

of like that kind of stuff.

When did you graduate high school?


Oh, so you were like in it.

Oh, what a great time to be alive.

You were going into the nineties.

Oh, I love the nineties.

Come on.

If you listen, if you think all
this stuff going on in the world

of hair right now and fashion and
all that, is it like reviving me

in some kind of a way I am like.

Like Tony Katane, like, let's go.

Like that.

Oh my God.

Evan stop.

No, I mean, she was, you know,
she rolled around on the Trans

Am, whatever, go look it up.

Oh yes, yes, yes.

I know.

What's your, what's your favorite movie?


What's a movie you could go
back and watch over and over.

Well, the devil wears
Prada, that's my movie.

That's like my movie.

Like if I don't feel good.

It's like the devil
wears Prada or the help.

Those are my two or the gospel of
john Those are like my three movies

that like and they're all they
all meet different things, right?

Like one is for god one is like my
industry and then you know The other

one is like serving or whatever and
then um I am a huge fan, anything that

Vince Vaughn is in, like, I just think
he's the funniest human on the planet.

I love him.

Weapon Crashers?

I can't.

Um, and like, and then, uh, wait, what
was, oh, most recently, um, what was

the movie I just watched most recently?


Oh, uh, crazy rich Asians.

I haven't seen that.

I haven't seen the three movies
that you just mentioned either.


Well, you have to watch the Elvis movie.

I've been giving myself the
gift of time on airplanes.

I would never let myself do this Evan.

And I'm on a plane constantly like
you, you know, we travel a ton and I

would never allow myself the gift of
time to watch a movie on an airplane.

And I have committed to.

Since I got cancer that when I'm
on an airplane, that's my time.

I don't have to work.

I get to watch a movie
and I let myself enjoy it.

I watched the Elvis movie
five times because I love it.

I love it.

I watched Jesus revolution
four or five times.

Amazing movie.

Um, and then that's where
I started to catch up.

I watched the Elton John movie.

I watch, I like the music.

I like the movies about musicians.

I love them.

It's funny that you watch movies because
I, in my head, I would, I would try

to play a trick on myself and be like,
all right, I just taught a workshop

and I have a, I'm very extroverted.

Like I, but after a workshop, I
am drained, like my voice or my

words, like I've used them all.

And so I'm like, I'm going to get
on the plane and I'm going to work.

I'm going to work.

I'm going to work.

And I get on the plane and I'm like.

So I just, I just like, you know what,
after this, I'm just going to veg out.

It took me a while to, to, to, to
tell myself that, cause I felt guilty.

But now I'm like, yeah, okay.

Um, my brain's like dead at that moment.


It was 10 years of traveling and I
would have to work the whole time.

Cause I'm like, I'm held hostage and
I can get so much done and I would

never really get anything done.

And it was like, you know, and so
finally I was like, be a person.

Let yourself enjoy something, have
something to talk about other than

work, you know, and so now it's fun.

I talk about movies.

I never was able to do that before.

Yeah, now I work on the way out
and then I veg on the way back.

All right, last question.

What's one thing you can't live without?

Oh my God.

Let's say this.

What's one thing that you travel
with that you can't live without?


Um, aside from electronics, right?

We're not going to say,
I mean, that's a given.


Your phone and computer.

That's a given.

That's like boring.

Um, okay.

The one thing I can't live without
now you're putting pressure on me.

I'm trying to think of it now.

My deodorant, my having
very special deodorant.

There you go.

I have like 17 of them.

They're everywhere.

So I never not have them.

Well, I have an almond cracker.

I love that.

I don't travel.

I always have, so that's probably why,
but no, my deodorant, there you go.

You said an almond cracker.



Like, like, like a cracker you eat
or like a cracker where you crack?

Oh, no, no, no.

A cracker.

I was like, what?

You travel with a cracker?

I walk around with a nut, a
nut cracker at the airport.

TSA is like, what is going on?


It's not weird at all.

Hey, Sally, thanks for,
uh, being on the podcast.

You are a light in this world and I love
every second we get to be with each other.

And we're going to be at
our salon at silver salon.

And let me see if I can find the date here
on March 25th, and then we're going to

be in Wisconsin antigen 11 on March the
10th, if you need tickets to those, you

can go click on your link in the bio at.

Cleveland hair boss and also
mine is let's really quick.

Just tell them what's going to be
happening So i'm going to be teaching

placement with purpose I'm going to have
two live models at both of these events

but the greatest gift is that I am going
to have evan silver there who is going

to be sharing some culture coaching And
this is something new that I am just

really excited to be able to add to these
classes That um that is included and

and he's going to be bringing out and
you're going to be bringing some really

wonderful perspective um On the business
side that a lot of times these hair

classes, um, you don't get so i'm really
good They get one of the yeah, you really

do and so i'm really really excited for
us to be able to bring these two things

And just impact these people to where
they're just going to be ready to grow

man Well, thank you for the opportunity
and I will see you here in a few weeks

And sally follow sally at cleveland hair
boss Thank you so much for being a part.

All right, Evan.

Thank you.

Bye You

Lessons Beyond the Salon - Sally Lemmo
Broadcast by