How do you know when to step down from a leadership position w/ Madison Waterman

Madison Waterman from Silver Salon sits down to talk about how she stepped down from a leadership position but it only made her a better leader.
Madison Waterman from Silver Salon sits down with us to talk about how she stepped away from the lead team to better serve her family. It only made her a better leader all around. When is the right time to step away from a leadership position? Madison walks us through her mindset when making a tough decision.

Follow Madison on Instagram: @madisonwaterman2015

Key Takeaways:
-Being a leader you have to listen
-The more people you have around you, you are less likely to make a bad decision.
-You're either a thermostat or a thermometer 
-Being disciplined with the time you have with your family
How do you know when to step down from a leadership position w/ Madison Waterman
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